Friday, December 23, 2011
Secret Decoder Ring
And don't forget to drink your Ovaltine.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Dec 18, 2011 Update
As per the last 2 updates this week may be a s/t low in stocks. It is difficult to pick one day because there are both market cycles and Astro signatures hitting almost everyday of the week. If I had to pick one day for a trough it would be Dec 22. It could be earlier so we'll ad +- 3 td's to the forecast.
Crude is in the 11th week of the primary cycle (15-23 weeks) and due for a s/t reversal. Jupiter Astro signatures often signal a reversal in Crude. In this case their are multiple Jupiter signatures starting with Dec 18, Venus waxing square to Saturn and ending Dec 25 with Jupiter turning direct. Picking one date for a trough, I would pick Dec 22 but watch Crude closely all week. Again +- 3 td's.
We are also coming up to a longer term Crude cycle, the 18 month which hits Jan 27, 2012. See the attached chart.
Gold and Silver have broken a number of trend lines and now we have Gold below the 200 dma (red on the attached chart). Gold has spent very little time under the 200 dma for a long time. Although recent technicals have been quite negative Gold may make an attempt to get above the 200 dma.
There is a s/t Astro for Silver indicating a possible trough on Dec 20. This is based on Sun in Sagittarius, Moon entering Scorpio, Mercury in Sagittarius and Venus in Capricorn.
We've shown this chart a number of times with the heliocentric price lines for Venus (green) and Jupiter (blue). I'm looking for a s/t bounce up to the blue Jupiter line around 31.50. It may be a good target. Note in the past how Silver has hit support or resistance at these price lines and sometimes followed them up.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
December 12, 2011 Possible Change
This may still be true, however, the reversal may be seen earlier in the week. December 19 has a 144 hour fib (see chart below) and December 20 as multiple longer term fib cycles. The following hourly chart of SPY shows the 144 hour fib from the Oct 4th low hits December 19. Remember this is an hourly fib and may not have the strength of longer term fib structure.
Be on alert for a reversal early in the week as well.
Next week is also an 11 week low. See the following daily chart of the SP500. The red vertical lines are the 55 td or 11 week cycle low.
And to a special friend.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Dec 12, 2011 Update
I’m looking for a move down in the markets near Dec 13. Mercury turns direct. This often sees the markets resume the s/t trend that was occurring before the Mercury retrograde. In this case that would be down. Dec 12 is 23^2 from the July 1, 2010 low.
In addition there is a Mars waning square to the North Node which often occurs prior to a move down in the markets. There is a FED meeting announcement on Dec 13th as well and there are difficult aspects to the FED natal chart.
If the markets are moving down into Dec 21, 22 I will be looking for a reversal near these dates.
Dec 22 has the Moon in perigee (closest path to earth), Mercury at maximum west elongation. There is a Uranus waning square to Hades (Uranian point) but this is a very long term aspect. The Sun, however, opposes Hades and square Uranus on Dec 22. The Sun also changes signs into Capricorn. These are all signatures for a change in trend.
If going up into January I’ll be looking for trend changes in the Jan 20-25 period.
As 2012 approaches it is time to look at the 2nd year of decade cycle, that is the 2nd year of each decade has a low of significance.
Here's the history.
2002 July
1992 Dec '91
1982 Aug
1972 Nov '71
1962 June
1952 May
1942 April
1932 July
At this point I'm looking at March, June/July and October as potential time frames for that significant low. More work needs to be done.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
December 2011
The current rally may go on into the Dec 9-12 time frame. Dec 10th has a Full Lunar Eclipse and Uranus Direct. Dec 12 has the aforementioned Pluto Kronos opposition but also has a 23^2 from the July 1, 2010 low. That is 23 * 23 = 529 cd from the July 1, 2010 low. Dec 13 has Mercury going direct.
Assuming the markets are still up I am looking for a turn down Dec 9, 12th.
Assuming we are going down around Dec 20 I would expect a low Dec 20-22. This has another long term aspect Uranus squared Hades. We'll look at Jan 2012 in a subsequent post.
Note: There have been some people including links to pay sites in the comments section. These posts are not affiliated or endorsed by myself. I simply know nothing about them. One comment on pay sites. If the individuals know so much, why do they need paying customers for their sites?
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Potential Geomagnetic Storm
Geomagnetic storms, when hurled our way, can be precursors to geophysical events on earth.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
The Occupy Crowd
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Bad Moon Rising
This is also called a Super Moon or Bad Moon so..........
Earthshakes are possible but more probable over the next couple of weeks.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Looking for a bottom
Silver is 8 weeks along from it's primary cycle bottom and is getting close to a heliocentric Venus / Jupiter aspect. Note when the green line (Venus) and blue line (Jupiter) have crossed in the past. Silver prices often move quickly, either up or down. They cross again on Nov 27 so there may be a move in Silver early in the week. Cycles are pointing to a trough then up. Nov 29 corresponds to a reversal in Silver assuming it is still headed down. Moon in Aquarius, Mercury in Sagittarius and Venus in Capricorn.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Gold Nov 21
Friday, November 18, 2011
Nov 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Syrian Brutality
Oh wait...that's Berkeley
"...and the riot squads are restless, they have no place to go..."
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Nov 16, 2011
However, in the early morning hours Mars will be in an exact square to the point of the Nov 25 eclipse. In New York this will be direct on the Mid Heaven (over head) at 6:32am EST NY. I expect the markets to open lower.
I am still looking for a low around Nov 18 and then move higher into the aforementioned eclipse on Nov 25th then down. This forecast can change as events evolve.
Another interesting point for tomorrow, when heliocentric Jupiter is in exact trine to Pluto at 2:30pm EST, heliocentric Venus will also be in exact square to Saturn. The latter aspect would usually be construed as negative. Not here, but many astrologers would.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Grand Trine
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Next Low
Following is an hourly chart of SPY showing a fib grid starting at the Oct 4th low. The next fib 89 hits on Nov 18 +- 1 td.
This would be a pullback low for the 1st major cycle of the primary cycle that started on Oct 4th. Tentatively I would be looking at a bounce into the Solar eclipse on Nov 25 and then possibly more down.
And remember;
"It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards"
-- Lewis Carroll, The White Queen, Through the Looking-Glass
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
GLD In a Wolfe Wave
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Nov 8, 2011
In addition the Oct 4 lows were at the least a primary cycle (approx 18 weeks) low and we are in the time frame for a major cycle crest (6-7 week) cycle. Following is a daily chart of the SP500.
I'm also looking for a s/t pullback in crude and PM's.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Wise Men Rush In Where Fools Fear to Tread
Both Mercury and Venus will be on the point of the Nov 25th Solar Eclipse tomorrow Nov 4th. As I've stated before this eclipse has both positive and negative aspects. I've gone back and looked at the days the moon had been on this point (see the following chart of the SP500, red dots are the moon on the eclipse point). I think this will have a negative effect on the markets even though market cycles are currently positive.
If the markets get by this date flat or up there are two aspects next week;
Nov 7 Mars opposition Neptune
Nov 9 Neptune stationary direct.
These aspects should have a negative effect on the markets and we may hear of other illegal or dishonest activity (i.e MF Global). They are one day away from Chiron going direct, Mars changing signs and a Full Moon.
I'm looking at these aspects to be negative for Gold and Crude as well as the general stock market.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Nov 1 Pullback
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Oct 28, 2011 US$ Index
This time the dates are:
October 20th the Sun trines Neptune.
November 20th the Sun Squares Neptune.
The US$ often makes a turn during this period or just outside. It can either be a crest or a trough.
The following two daily charts are of the US$ index. The light blue circle is the Sun trine Neptune. The red square is the Sun square Neptune and the green arrow pointing to the right is the Neptune direct date.
The dark blue line depicts the approximate window length where I would expect a turn in the US$. Note sometimes it is just outside this window.
This week look to November 3,4 for possible big range days or reversals in stocks. November 3rd has both Mercury and Venus trining Uranus and Nov 4 both Mercury and Venus are on the point of the partial lunar eclipse of November 25, 2011.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Oct 24, 2011
I suspect the SP will retrace some of it’s gain’s early this week as it has moved too far, too fast since the Oct 4 low. Friday was the fib 13 from the Oct 4 low but there are a cluster of fib numbers from previous highs and lows most of this coming week. A move back to 1200 would be reasonable.
The SP moved up to the geocentric Neptune price line (light blue) where it is expected to meet resistance.
One could pick almost any day this week but the following have been picked as key dates this week:
Oct 24 Uranus squared Hades with the moon opposing Uranus and the Sun almost trining Hades. It is exact tomorrow.
Oct 26 Super moon and Venus waxing square Mars
Oct 28 Of these dates Oct 28 would appear most significant from an Astro perspective as it has the Sun opposing Jupiter and Jupiter trine Pluto.
It should be mentioned Nov 3 is shaping up to be a powerful day with both Mercury and Uranus just passing into Sagittarius and both trining Uranus. They are both almost on the point of the Nov 25, 2011 solar eclipse as well. It could be one of those dates we remember.
November 2 is the market cycle date I have mentioned in the last few posts.
Gold and Silver appear to be turning down. There is a Venus waning square to Neptune on Oct 31 which is often found just before more significant downturns in Gold.
Gold may affected by the Nov 3 date as well.
See Gold for comments affecting Silver as well.
Silver has move down to the heliocentric Jupiter price line where it has gotten support in the recent past. Any significant break and silver could move down quickly. My bet is Gold moves down as well.
Crude continues in a trading range and needs to close above 90.00 to show signs it is breaking out. If Oct 4 was the 17 month low we should expect a breakout soon.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Oct 17, 2011
The indexes have advanced sharply since early October which may have been the 15.5 month cycle low discussed in previous posts. Astro wise this uptrend looks like it will continue. Any sharply rising trend, as we have seen, will have a pull back. Pull backs should be buying oppourtunities if the 15.5 month cycle low is in.
Potential pull back dates are
Oct 20 Sun Waning Trine Neptune
Oct 26 – 28 Perigee Moon on Oct 26 and Sun opposition Jupiter and Jupiter Trine Pluto on Oct 28.
Early November there are some very positive transits. More on these in a future post.
From a previous post we also had Oct 17 and Nov 2 as non-Astro, financial cycle dates.
It should be emphasized there are some very powerful dates around Oct 28 through Nov 3 where actions could manifest that would effect many markets. Perhaps the European debt crisis is back on centre stage or other world event.
Also remember I mentioned the Uranus Hades square which is near the end of the month as well.
Precious metals should be in a time band where a move up is more probable. This maybe short lived. As mentioned in a previous post, this is based on heliocentric Mercury in Sagittarius. Due to the position of Gold and Silver in the current financial cycles any crests forming in the next couple of weeks could turn down quickly.
Again the dates to watch are (see above)
Oct 20
Oct 26-28
See Gold comments
Silver once again was crawling up the heliocentric Venus price line but seems to have stopped at the May 12, 2011 low.
Crude was due for a 17 month cycle low and may have hit it. I say may have because there are some transits in early November which could have a direct effect on crude and a possible double bottom, that is the lows of Oct 4 are revisited. Those dates are:
Nov 4 Mars opposition Neptune (note Neptune is almost standing still and can be viewed as stronger than normal).
Nov 9 Neptune stationary direct.
Mars and Neptune can equate to deceit and subterfuge of some kind so be aware of this around that time period. This could also represent the exposing some type of lies or deceitful behaviour.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Potential Reversal Dates
Oct 13 Moon conjuncts Jupiter, see attached daily chart of the SP500. The blue dots are the previous Moon Jupiter conjunctions.
Oct 14 Venus opposition Jupiter, has a history of reversals.
Jupiter is the co-ruler of crude.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Oct 10, 2011 Update
1190 which is the 50% retracement of the move up from July 2010 to early May 2011
1204 which is 38.2% retracment of the move down from early May 2011 to the early Aug lows
1230-1235 which is 38.2% retrace from July 2010 to early May 2011 and a 50% retrace of the move down from early May 2011 to the early Aug lows.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Oct 10, 2011
I suspect we will move lower or sideways for the first couple of days this coming week.
The Sun Saturn conjunction is almost exact during the Full Moon. During the Full Moon the Moon is in a grand trine with Mars and the North Node in the very action oriented, excitable fire signs. If you can’t sleep watch the foreign markets and events the night of Oct 11. Saturn, although usually seen as depressive, can also be seen as the constriction that cause people to act. If we do fall for the first couple of days in the week, watch for a rebound starting on Oct 12th or 13th.
As we move into October there is a forming waxing trine between Jupiter and Pluto which is exact on Oct 28. Jupiter is entering a positive area so this may equate to rising prices in the indexes. This trine is joined by Mars making it a grand trine in earth signs in November. Things may appear more grounded and stable during this period which would be beneficial for the markets. The keyword being “appear” as there is much trouble on the horizon and for the next few years.
As for market cycles we have been looking for a 15.5 month cycle (Merriman/Bressart) low which is the middle 15.5 month cycle of the 4 year cycle. Oct 4 may have been it but is worth watching closely for confirmation as the markets should advance sharply after a 15.5 month cycle trough.
In addition to the 15.5 month there are other cycles hitting on Oct 17 (red line) and Nov 2 (brown line)
Gold is at the 23.6% retracement of the whole move up from Nov 2008 to the early Sept highs and appears to have good support at this level. Any meaningful break through this support could result in a sharp down move. Note the trend has followed the red band on the bottom side of the fork.
As we are approaching the entry of heliocentric Mercury into Sagittarius watch for bullish moves in the PM’s. This transit begins Oct 15th. As stated in a previous post, 80% of the time this is bullish but the other 20% can be quite bearish with sharp swings down.
Next week may be accompanied by volatile currency swings starting Oct 9 with geocentric Venus in Scorpio.
See Gold for comments affecting Silver as well. In addition my favourite Silver chart follows. The green lines are the heliocentric Venus price lines and the blue lines are the Heliocentric Jupiter price lines. Watch these closely to see if Silver follows the Venus price line up or if Silver falls back to the Jupiter price line. I'm looking for silver to fall back to the Jupiter price line and possibly lower.
We have been looking for a 17 month trough in crude oil. Oct 4 may have been it. There are a number of signatures to watch for Oil in the coming weeks. Oct 20, Oct 28 and Nov 9. Give each +- 3 td’s
Monday, October 3, 2011
Oct 3, 2011 Update
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Oct 3, 2011 Update
I believe we are due at least a short term reversal which could take place tomorrow. Possible spike low then a reversal up or the reversal is Tuesday. If not a reversal one should take place in the first 2 weeks in October.
If there is a spike low the SP may find support around 1110 which is the grey (Neptune) line on the following daily chart.
Towards the end of the month there is a very long term transit taking place on Oct 24th.. That is Uranus in waning square to Hades. Hades is not a planet per se but a Uranian point. Don't expect anything drastic that day as it is very long term event. Hades rules waste, the unattractive side of life, filth and decay. Sounds pretty good so far. Hades also rules ancient secrets and lost wisdom on the more positive side. Uranus of course is sudden changes. the unexpected, originality and freedom. They are both in cardinal signs, potentially giving them more power. watch the blog for further details as this square develops.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Oct 3, 2011
Sunday Oct 2, the Sun will square the point of the July 1, 2011 partial solar eclipse.
On the same day the Moon will oppose the antiscia (mirror) point of the same July 1st eclipse.
Oct 3 may mark an important market CIT.
Oct 3 also has Mars waxing square to Jupiter which has been a signature for primary cycle troughs.
The primary cycle ala Bressart and Merriman.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Sept 26, 2011 Update
I believe we have one more week of extreme volatility. October would appear less volatile from an Astro perspective. We may be seeing lows this week or next. In fact the Sept 27, 28 I’ve been looking at could mark the bottom from which a significant rally starts but it would work better from an Astro perspective if the low was the week of Oct 3 after the geocentric Mars waxing square to Jupiter. The Aug 8/9 lows are key targets. Hopefully they are held or not breached significantly.
There are many volatile signatures again this week but the Sept 27 new Moon, which is a perigee Moon (closest pass to Earth or Super Moon per Richard Nolle ) offers the possibility of market extremes and important world events.
We also have the Sun and Mercury translating the Uranus Pluto square. The Uranus Pluto square has been the source of much of the market turmoil. It will be backing off but returning again in 2012 with 7 exact hits between 2012 and 2015. As stated in a previous post this should mark a period of civil unrest and significant changes to any and all power structures in the world.
Geocentric Mars waxing square to Jupiter is often close by to a primary cycle turns. The next occurrence is Oct 3, 2011. This should mark an end to the extreme volatility as well and possibly a bottom for this move within 6 days of this date.
Merriman had these comments over the weekend.
"We will also closely watch September 29 when Venus forms its conjunction to Saturn in Libra. One of our rules is that any market making a low going into this aspect is a candidate for a reversal back up. Given that Venus in Libra (September 14-October 9) is usually bullish for stocks, maybe that proves to be true after it conjuncts Saturn, the “repressor.”
There are a number of signatures this week that could point to geophysical stress.
Following are chart shows the New Moon (green dot) and when the Moon is in perigee ( black dot) on a daily chart of the SP500. They have often made highs then down. I don't believe that will be happening this week, but with Uranus active most anything is possible.

Gold went down right on the Pluto direct date. It should continue to be volatile this week. Watch out for a dead cat bounce which may stop the down move momentarily and then resume. Much depends on what is coming out of Europe.
Watch the period around Sept 27, 28, 29 for a low in Silver. On the attached chart that is where the next crossing of the heliocentric Venus Jupiter lines occur. This may also be support so look for a low in Silver around 30.25. Heliocentric Venus and Jupiter are in opposition on Sept 28 and geocentric Venus and Saturn are conjunct on Sept 29. Both have a history of Silver turns.
Also attached is a weekly chart showing heliocentric Venus and Jupiter price lines and retrace lines from the October 2008 lows to the recent highs. Note the 50% retracement near 29.00 and 24.20 at the 61.8% retracement. If 30.00 is breached these are potential targets for lows.
Crude oil, with other commodities has taken a sharp set back in this volatile period. Crude has followed a nominal 17 month cycle (see red line on attached chart. Being a longer term cycle it needs a wider range and is expected to form a trough in Oct / Nov 2011. Any cycles related to crude could be influenced by events in the mid-East.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sept 19, 2011 - Brief Update
There are no major Astros or transits until Friday. I'm still expecting all hell to break out sometime between Sept 23 and Sept 30 with an emphasis on Sept 27,28 (see previous posts).
I was also expecting Oil Gold and Silver to start moving lower and that may have started. If you are holding longs after Thursday be very careful.
Sometimes the Astros don't work out as planned. What I'm seeing maybe some other type of world event happening in that time frame. Anyway, we don't have long to wait.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Sept 12, 2011 Update
Although we may get a bounce early this week my opinion that stocks will be heading down for September has not changed. Stocks often have a move around the Full Moon and the New Moon and Monday Sept 12 is a Full Moon. As the Full Moon is squaring the Moon's nodes any bounce will probably be short lived.
This week has Pluto turning direct on Sept 16, see the daily chart below (blue arrow point right marks the Pluto direct dates). One thing that Pluto rules is debt so expect debt, either in Europe or the US to be front and center.
As mentioned in a previous post Venus, the ruler of resources and things of value is translating the Uranus / Pluto square by first opposing Uranus and then squaring Pluto. These are occurring over the weekend on Sept 17 and 18. Venus also is squaring the Uranian point Hades on Sept 16. If we do not get a move down by Sept 16 then I would expect Monday Sept 19 to be quite unpleasant in the financial markets and probably all week.
All the above point to a period of time that should be, at the very least volatile for the markets. It is difficult to see the above aspects as positive
The week of Sept 19 includes the next FED meeting. If the FED announces QE3 or something equivalent the markets can be expected to bounce, and possibly strongly, but I would look at this as an oppourtunity to sell or short the market.
Between Sept 24 to Sept 29 we have the Sun and Mercury translating the Uranus / Pluto square, a Super Moon (per Richard Nolle) on the 27th and Venus conjunct Saturn on the 29th. Again, it would be difficult to construe any of the aforementioned transits as positive.
Market cycle wise we should be seeing a trough in the stock market in late Sept / early October. Perhaps the negative transits around Sept 27/28 are the worst of it and the markets take a few days to stabilize and then start to rise in early October.
Looking out a little further a grand trine will be forming between Mars, Jupiter and Pluto in November all at a time when Jupiter is in a positive position in the skies. In addition the Uranus / Pluto square will be separating. This could point to rising markets in October and November.
As mentioned in a previous post, the Uranus / Pluto square will be separating later in 2011 but will come back and make 7 exact squares from 2012 through 2015.
Gold and silver have neutral trends at this time. Pluto moving direct has had a correlation to moves in Gold usually within 6 trading days after the direct date which again is Sept 16th. These are averages so a move in Gold before the Pluto direct is also possible. As stated before a rising US$ will bring down Gold, Silver prices and many commodities in the short term. For those who follow the Primary cycle (15-21 weeks) we are currently in the 17th week.
Same comments as Gold although our chart showing heliocentric Venus and Jupiter is losing it’s correlation to Silver. This happens so we’ll watch and see if Silver can break out of it’s sideways move and follow either Venus or Jupiter onward.
Crude appears to be weakening and may be the first to show signs of a strengthening US$. Of course a recession in the US or broader world-wide recession would bring crude prices down. Cycle wise a low in crude is possible in the November time frame.
Friday, September 9, 2011
April 9, 2011 ALERT
SPACE WEATHER ALERTS: Would you like a call when geomagnetic storms are in progress? Storm alerts are available from (text) and (voice).
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Sept 7, 2011 ALERT Solar Flare
Geomagnetic activity like this has preceded some of the earthquakes we have been getting the last few years.
Monitor this page:
Monday, September 5, 2011
Oil Update for Sept 2011 Report
The last 2 instances of the Sun trining Jupiter there was a gap on the open of crude the following trading day. That would be tomorrow Sept 6th. The last 2 times it did not stay down for long. In this instance it may. As always price action will tell the story. Jupiter is the co-ruler of crude.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Summary for September
The first couple of weeks appear relatively quiet on the Astro front. This does not mean we won’t get market moves but the extreme volatility we’ve seen in August should calm down, at least until Sept 16. The second half of September looks far more volatile.
Dates we are watching.
Sept 6 or 7 may get a little bounce recovering from last weeks down move and the President will be speaking so the news outlets will be spinning at high speed depending on which party they support. The next FED moves should be in the news as well or at least the main topic of discussion amongst traders unless European debt issues come to center stage.
Sept 16 Significant Astros are back with Pluto turning direct and Venus squaring Hades then Venus opposing Uranus (with the Moon making secondary aspects) and then Venus squaring Pluto. Yes the Uranus / Pluto square is back. We may see another move down during this time.
This square is slowly separating and it’s effects will lesson over the next few months. Nevertheless it will be back in 2012 and will be an exact square 7 times from 2012 through 2015.
Sept 27 This is a New Moon and a Super Moon, that is perigee, or closest pass to earth for this orbit. The Sun and Moon therefore are in the early cardinal sign of Libra and both are in a T square with Uranus and Pluto. Opposition to Uranus and square Pluto. Mercury is also conjuncting this Super Moon and Mars is in Sextile. This could be quite an explosive situation. With Pluto involved it could be the European debt situation or currency issues. There are a number of other potent aspects in this time frame but the above should be enough to give you the idea that this is an important time period.
It’s possible this time period is close to a bottom in stocks as I see the month of September as flat to down. In the back of mind I've been looking for a rise in the US buck which would bring down the price of most commodities including Gold, Silver and Crude. For this to happen either the Euro must take it big hit or some nasty world event. I wait and am monitoring these events.
All dates +- 3 trading days (tds).
Overall I'm expecting September to be down with a reversal in the last week or first week in October then up into year end, then down.
My longer term outlook may change and it may change quickly but without a plan, as they say, any path will do. A boss I had many years ago gave me some great business advice. That is, in business, if you don't write it down it didn't happen. One reason I write it down.
Gold obviously continues its advance. There is a signature on Sept 16, Pluto turning direct which use to have a good correlation to Gold turns. This has not worked well over the last two years. This time we have Venus translating the Uranus / Pluto square within days of Pluto station. This may be a good time for a turn. This is a watch and wait situation.
The following chart shows the Venus Uranus opposition coming up (red line with 2 arrows). It also shows how Gold has peaked near the Venus Uranus trine and Venus Neptune square. They are circled in blue. This comes up again Oct 31 - Nov 3, 2011.
Back to the Silver chart from previous posts. Silver has made it up to the 61.8% retracement of the move down from late April to early May. If it advance from here I would expect it to follow the heliocentric Venus line further up. Like Gold, overdue for a pull back.
Looking at crude on a short term time frame it has often made short term crests around the New Moon. Blue circle on the following chart while the Full Moon is red. This has not been consistent but worth watching. The next Full Moon is Sept 12 and the next New Moon is Sept 27. As mentioned above the 27th is a Super Moon and has a number of very volatile aspects.
Looking at a longer term chart crude is due for a 17 month trough in the late Oct early Nov time frame. Assuming we have no significant mid east problems Oil should be making a low of significance in that time frame.
As stated in previous posts please allow 3 trading days around any date given in this blog unless otherwise noted.
Regards, and thanks for the positive comments.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
August 29
Although potentially very volatile the expectation for the week of Aug 29 is up. There are a number of significant trines, and a fairly wide grand trine. The key date is Tuesday Aug. 30 with Jupiter going retrograde while Venus is trining Jupiter.
After Jupiter turns retrograde, there is always a trine to the Sun within 6 days; and within 6 days before retrograding Jupiter turns direct, there is also a trine to the Sun. Jupiter retrograde is when the things we think we need but aren't really adding to our growth, are somehow removed from our lives. The Jupiter retrograde often doesn’t kick in until after the Sun Trines Jupiter within the 6 day period.
Jupiter Trines the Sun on Sept 2. As this is the holiday weekend look to Sept 6th. This may be a short term peak from which the markets continue their descent.
In addition to the Jupiter and Venus influence there are 4 retro/direct stations within a short period of time.
Aug 26 Mercury direct
Aug 27 Admetos (Uranian point) retrograde
Aug 30 Jupiter retrograde
Aug 31 Cupido (Uranian point) direct.
Retrograde and direct stations often signify periods of change. With so many occurring in a short period of time there may be a very volatile week coming up but with Jupiter and Venus prominent one could expect the week to end higher than it started. If so enjoy it while it last as September may be a continuation of the downward move in the markets.
The red arrow pointing left if the Jupiter retrograde and the light blue circle is the Sun trine Jupiter.
The Sun trine Pluto on Aug 28 has been a marker for turns in Gold. The Jupiter retro also has marked a change in the Gold trend. Possible tops for Gold are early in the week, possibly Aug 30 or Sept 2 when the Sun trines Jupiter. Keep in mind for Gold to top the US$ needs to show signs of a rally which so far is absent.
On the following daily chart Gold appears to be ready to continue it’s assault of a new high. It is very difficult to pick a top in a blow off type move that Gold is in, but try we must, as that is our purpose here. Consider waiting until Gold breaks the 1750, fib 38.2% retracement before going short. Even if there is a pull back in the next few weeks the dominant trend is up and should continue later in the year or early 2012.
Since last presented Silver came back down and tested the heliocentric Jupiter price line and would appear to be bouncing. It ended the week on the 50% retracement of the down move from April to early May. The next test is the fib 61.8% which is close to the helio Venus price line. I suspect we will see Silver make it to this area but will not take out the mid-August highs. Look for potential Silver moves around the Sept 2 date or Sept 13-15. Like Gold Silver is in a long term uptrend.
Like Gold and Silver crude may advance this week with a potential pullback around Sept 2. It could be as early as Aug 30. With the long weekend ahead this may not take effect until the first trading day of the new month Sept 6. As Jupiter is a co-ruler of oil, crude may benefit from the Jupiter transits this week. Crude often makes a high close to the new Moon which is in the evening on August 28. Like stocks, Gold and Silver crude may be volatile with the multiple retro / direct signatures.
As stated in previous posts please allow 3 trading days around any date given in this blog unless otherwise noted.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
A Quick Note
On Gold, it appears a pull back is started. I'm looking at 1748- 1750 then 1680-1700 as potential support. Breaking 1680 may indicate a more severe pull back.
Intra-day Silver pulled back to the Jupiter line. See previous posts for a chart. It is a Doji but I think it has further to fall. If Silver broke through the Jupiter line the next Venus line is at approx. 34.00.
I'll post on the weekend with charts.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Aug 15 Follow Up
Watching Gold and Silver for a reversal lower sometime between now and Sept 9th.
See dates from the Aug 15 post.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Aug 15, 2011 - Additional
On further review the transits involved occur early in the morning (2:00-3:00am EDT) New York time and therefore the US markets may gap lower on the open if there were some sort of overnight news.
The transits involved are the Moon conjuncting Uranus in Aries which is still in close square to Pluto. Mars is also squaring the Moon Uranus conjunction and opposing Pluto. To add some excitement Mars is almost directly on the position of the July 1st Solar Eclipse. Mars is also in an applying square to Saturn.
I would say. Watch out.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
August 15, 2011
Fundamentally, with the debt problems in Europe and the US, PM’s should be attracting more buying. This may be true in the very short term, however, some cycles (see 21 and 34 month cycle charts) and price action are pointing to a potential decline. There are also some potential Astros dates stretching out from now to Sept 16.
We’ve been following this chart for a number of posts now. Silver is now following the heliocentric Jupiter price line which is also on the Fibonacci 38.2% retracement of the move down from April 25 to May 12. Watch for a break either above or below this line.
The following weekly Gold chart shows the 21 month (red lines) and 34 month (blue lines) cycles. The green line is simply red + blue or the two cycles hitting at approx the same time. As this is a weekly chart and monthly cycles one can’t pick a date based on the cycles so we will use Astros to try and pick dates which will coincide with a reversal in PM’s
The dates are:
Aug 16, 17
Aug 23, 24
Aug 26-30
Sept 13-15
Looking at the daily Gold chart included in a prior post Gold did not stop at the middle fork (green) but vaulted upward to the upper fork and has pulled back a bit. Let’s watch the above dates for a reversal. Volume seems to be pulling back a bit as well.
Keep in mind if we do get a significant pullback in PM’s the long term trend is up and the pull back will be a buying oppourtunity.
Stocks - Summary
Aug 16,17 volatility
Aug 24-26 low
Aug 29 reversal up or Sept 2-6
As far as stocks are concerned we got the volatile ride we were expecting with Mars translating the Uranus Pluto square. Uranus and Pluto will now slowly be separating but will make exact waxing squares seven time from June 2012 through March 2015. This aspect with Jupiter on the downside of the Jupiter Saturn cycle spells continued economic problems and dramatic if not shocking changes to any socio-cultural structures that are obsolete or in need of reform. Pluto also rules debt so the current world-wide debt problems should continue. On the positive side this period should give birth to many new inventions and discoveries. There benefit to society may not be evident until well after the cycle waxing square is completed.
The following daily chart of the SP500 shows the Fibonacci time relationships for the move down from Oct 10, 2007 to March 6, 2009. August 24 is 1.764 of the move.
It should be pointed out August 23 is also 30^2 from the March 6, 2009 low. Previous squares in this sequence have been both highs and lows, so watch the Aug 23/24 dates closely to see what is forming in that time frame. There is also a longer term Saturn Sesquisquare Neptune on Aug 24. That by itself is negative but a very long term transit and therefore effects the whole period (i.e. weeks) around this date. This energy should equate to worry and possibly paranoia. This could also be a period of scandals, rumours and false accusations. It needs a faster moving planet to set it off. Interestingly the next day Mars squares Saturn which may set off this negative energy.
In the same period, Aug 26, Mars is 1/2 way through Cancer. This often relates to turns in the markets.
Coming up this week is we have
Aug 16 Venus, Mercury and Sun conjunction (see previous post re: superior and inferior conjunctions) and Aug 17 Mars is on the July 1 point of the Solar Eclipse. I'm expecting more volatility but not as great as what we recently seen.
As debt is the underlying problem in the markets and Pluto rules debt we may get some relief with Venus and the Sun trining Pluto on Aug 25 and Aug 28 respectively.
There are two retrograde dates coming up. Mercury goes direct on Aug 26. This may have an effect over a longer period than normal as close to the direct date Mercury is Sesquisquare (135 degrees) Uranus. Mercury's apparent motion is very slow around a retrograde or direct date. Expect a sudden change in the markets close by Aug 26 but not necessarily on that date. See my July 30 post and the graphic ephemeris for a picture of the Mercury retro and Sesquisquare Uranus.
On Aug 30 Jupiter goes retrograde. Like many retrogrades there is a beautiful symmetry to Jupiters retros. After Jupiter turns retrograde, there is always a trine to the Sun within 6 days; and within 6 days before retrograding Jupiter turns direct, there is also a trine to the Sun. Jupiter retrograde is when the things we think we need but aren't really adding to our growth, are somehow removed from our lives. The Jupiter Trines the Sun on Sept 2. If the markets have not changed direction by Aug 30, Jupiter retrograde, then watch Sept 2 the trine date. As this is the holiday weekend look to Sept 6th. The Jupiter retro could mark the top in Gold if it hasn't corrected already.