This does not mean the upcoming eclipse will have no effect. In fact the solar eclipse will fill in a T square with Saturn, Uranus and Pluto. These are revolutionary aspects so we may see more social unrest. Bear in mind the eclipse can be the seed time when events occur behind the scene which come out at a later date often when the eclipse point is transited. As Dylan sang "there's revolution in the air". Of course Dylan also sang of "old men with broken teeth stranded without love". Well at least I don't have broken teeth, maybe some are loose, but I digress.
In this case the planets in the T square are slow moving but unrelenting. We are in for a number of years of revolutionary activity in many countries. At the eclipse time Saturn will be exalted in Libra and thus may have more strength than usual. In peace loving Libra it is possible actions are taken to alleviate some of the current strain temporarily.
Whatever happens at that time it won’t stand the test of time as Uranus and Pluto will be forming 7 exact conjunctions between June 2012 and March 2015. During this period many existing institutions and organizations will be greatly transformed or eliminated. Think governments, religions, banking institutions and any man made structures. Morally bankrupt politicians will also be in the firing line.
The effect of an eclipse can effect a much longer period of time. This is the first eclipse in a new Saros cycle so there is no previous eclipse to go back to and examine. Although the eclipse path is in the Antarctic ocean the Sun and Moon are both over Saudi Arabia at the time of the eclipse. This may be very telling. Eclipses are powerful structures. Watch for its effect in many countries. Eclipse paths near the poles typically have an effect all over the world. We won't get into antiscia points here, but those who know what they are compare an antiscia chart of this eclpise with an eclipse chart and you will see the North Node conjunct Pluto. This aspect can mean something that effects a large group of people or nation.
As the above may only be of interest to astrologers the following is something in the markets. Please see the updated chart of Silver. Silver seems to have hit support at the Venus price line. Watch this line to ensure Silver does not break the line. If it does it may be a good short term short. If it starts to follow the price line up, or bounces up, it's a buy. I think the July 1 solar eclipse will have a short term negative effect on the general markets.