SP500 The indexes have advanced sharply since early October which may have been the 15.5 month cycle low discussed in previous posts. Astro wise this uptrend looks like it will continue. Any sharply rising trend, as we have seen, will have a pull back. Pull backs should be buying oppourtunities if the 15.5 month cycle low is in.
Potential pull back dates are
Oct 20 Sun Waning Trine Neptune
Oct 26 – 28 Perigee Moon on Oct 26 and Sun opposition Jupiter and Jupiter Trine Pluto on Oct 28.
Early November there are some very positive transits. More on these in a future post.
From a previous post we also had Oct 17 and Nov 2 as non-Astro, financial cycle dates.
It should be emphasized there are some very powerful dates around Oct 28 through Nov 3 where actions could manifest that would effect many markets. Perhaps the European debt crisis is back on centre stage or other world event.
Also remember I mentioned the Uranus Hades square which is near the end of the month as well.

Precious metals should be in a time band where a move up is more probable. This maybe short lived. As mentioned in a previous post, this is based on heliocentric Mercury in Sagittarius. Due to the position of Gold and Silver in the current financial cycles any crests forming in the next couple of weeks could turn down quickly.
Again the dates to watch are (see above)
Oct 20
Oct 26-28

See Gold comments

Silver once again was crawling up the heliocentric Venus price line but seems to have stopped at the May 12, 2011 low.
Crude was due for a 17 month cycle low and may have hit it. I say may have because there are some transits in early November which could have a direct effect on crude and a possible double bottom, that is the lows of Oct 4 are revisited. Those dates are:
Nov 4 Mars opposition Neptune (note Neptune is almost standing still and can be viewed as stronger than normal).
Nov 9 Neptune stationary direct.
Mars and Neptune can equate to deceit and subterfuge of some kind so be aware of this around that time period. This could also represent the exposing some type of lies or deceitful behaviour.