A brief post on the potential, upcoming problems at the FED.
This is done by examining the astrological chart of the FED, when it was created, and the major transiting planets about to activate this chart.
The Federal Reserve Natal Chart used is based on the following:
Dec 23, 1913
6:02pm EST +5
Washington, DC
For those not interested in the Astrology, the Fed is about to be hit with some strong astrological aspects. The two main purposes of the FED are to 1.) ensure monetary and price stability and 2.) prevent bank failures. Either of these two main purposes could be affected. A challenge to the structure or existence of the FED or a shakeup in it’s leadership could also be affected. Whatever happens it should be a dramatic change, which will not be reversed.
These are long term aspects, which may take months to materialize, however, as is often the case longer term signatures can be triggered by shorter term aspects. A list of potential trigger dates can be found at the end of this note.
A crisis is brewing and in one way or another it will affect the nations money, directly or indirectly.
It should be apparent by mid November 2009.
The major themes in this natal chart are secretive power and inflation.
On first look the themes that jump out of this chart are the Sun / Pluto opposition T squared to Midheaven, the loose Mars / Neptune conjunction rising and opposing Jupiter and the mutual reception between the Moon and Pluto.
In mundane / financial astrology the Sun stands for the core values of an organization, it’s raison d'être. It can also stand for it’s leader, in this case Ben Bernanke.
The Sun is the principle of life, beginnings and creation, while Pluto is the principle of death, destruction, endings and change that is not going to be reversed. The Sun / Pluto are in opposition and in a T square to Midheaven. This shows a tendency to accumulate power in hidden clandestine ways. Pluto is in the 12 house of hidden things and endings and in mutual reception with the moon (the public) which is in secretive Scorpio in the 5th house. The Sun also rules the 2nd house of resources and money.
There is no room for restraint with a Mars / Neptune Jupiter aspect. This is not a signature one would want to find in an organization responsible for a countries money, but here it is.
So what’s coming up and when?
Pluto has been conjunct the Fed’s natal Sun since sometime in 2008, depending on what orb one uses. So what’s the big deal.
Pluto will be in exact conjunction with the natal Sun on
November 9 and Saturn will be squaring Pluto and thus the Fed’s natal Sun on
November 15, having just arrived in the cardinal sign of Libra on
October 29. Both Saturn and Pluto are slow moving planets. The Pluto Sun conjunction has been forming for months and the Saturn square for weeks.
We therefore must look for trigger planets that could set dramatic changes off. The following are possibilities.
Oct. 10 Mercury squared Pluto having just arrived in Libra.
Oct. 15 Venus squared Pluto having just arrived in Libra. Stock market slide?
Oct 18 Mars quincunx Pluto. Stock market slide?
Oct 24 Sun sextile Pluto
Oct 28 Transiting Mars opposing natal Uranus
Transiting Sun square natal Uranus
Saturn enters 4th House
Note: Natal Uranus is in the 7th house of open enemies
Oct 29 Saturn enters Libra
Nov 9 Pluto conjunct natal Sun
Venus sextile Pluto
Nov 15 Saturn squared Pluto
Nov 16 Mercury sextile Saturn