Looking at market cyles and Astros.
Often get s/t turns on Sun in Libra Moon in Sagittarius. The Moon leaves Sag tomorrow after squaring the Jupiter / Uranus conjunction. This is close to exact when the moon crosses the ascendant.
We are also at a 15-16 td high for the SP500.
We are also in the timeframe for heliocentric Mercury 3 pass. In the following chart light green shows Helio Mercury in Virgo.
When Mercury is in the middle cycle the market tends to go up into the Mercury in Virgo period then down. I use this and other similar longer term
signatures to get approx. time frames for turns well in advance. I've posted this before.
Venus, which is still in the retrograde window is again sesquisquare (135 degrees) Uranus. It was sesquisquare Uranus on Oct 7 as well,
sandwiching the Venus retrograde date. When Venus and Uranus get together things tend to change. With Venus it is often currencies.
Also looking for s/t reversal in US$ (90 cd low) and possible 13 - 14 cd low. Basically the US$ is oversold and stocks overbought
looking for monies to flow back into the US$ s/t.
As mentioned above we are still in the Venus retrograde window. It isn't just one day. On the following weekly chart the red arrows pointed left show the Venus retro periods and the US$.
I hope it doesn't disappoint me this time.
There are a number of heliocentric aspects as well. For most aspect I don't look at them as good or bad just a change in mass psychology and thus a CIT.
Heliocentricaly Mercury conjuncts Saturn and both oppose Venus. Other stuff going on but I take a special interest in all the planets between the Sun and the Earth.
Have I forgotten to mention anything. Probably, like Heliocentric Mars is trining the Mercury, Saturn conjunction and trining Venus giving the structure more energy.