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For the SP500, cycle-wise I’m looking at March 27th as the Primary cycle
trough and April 13th
as a double bottom.
This puts us entering the 19th week of the Primary cycle. We are in the time frame
for the nominal 18 week cycle trough. The exact 18 week would trough out during
the 1st week in August. The range; however, is 15 – 22 weeks around
the 18th week.
Price has moved above both the 15 and 45 sma which is what
to expect when the SP500 moves higher. This needs to be watched next week.
We are stilling experiencing the Sun / Mars conjunction of
July 26 and preparing for the 2 eclipses in August, a Lunar eclipse on August 7th and Total Solar Eclipse on
August 21st. The SP500 has been basically flat from July 19th.
The markets have seen other time periods like this when the market indexes
continue to move up. Just look at 2003 and 2007 before the 2008, 2009 meltdown. Also look at 1987 before the crash.
The next two weeks will
see a number of Mars aspects. We can expect conflict, social unrest, terrorists
and political upset and volatility in the markets. The latter could be sudden
events dealing with a legislature or parliament. For example, the Sun conjunct Mars (July 26th)
could stand for issues involving the party out of power, the land and homes of
the common people. Weather and agriculture may also be affected. There have
been many fires over the last few weeks, a typical Mars manifestation. Sun conjunct Mars often occurs at times
when there is a steep correction. This
combined with the trough for the 18 week Primary cycle and possibly the 40 week
cycle we should be close to at least a
pull back.
Uranus will be semi
square Neptune from mid-July through
October. This will be a longer period of delusion / deception. It may be
more like a fog that has descended that is confusing. For the markets people
won’t know what the direction will be. A more precise description will be made
available once we go through the changes associated with the Astrological
aspect in late July and mid-August. It is exact on August 11th.
This blog post will cover the basic cycles in orb and then
look at two Astrological charts for Donald Trump and North Korea.
In the subscribers report we go more detail on the upcoming
Total Solar eclipse and it’s potential effect on President Donald Trump. This
covers the Saros cycle (54 and 18 year) which traces this cycle back to the period of time John
F Kennedy was assassinated, the Cold War and Cuba / US conflict.
The following chart shows the 40 week cycle on the Dow Jones chart. At it’s current rate it will
be in it’s trough area close to the trough for the Primary cycle which is the 1st
week in August. The vertical blue lines are the 40 week cycle.
Another cycle that is coming up is the 50 week cycle. These
are shown as the pink vertical lines. The next one is by date is July 24th
but I would say July or August. As I would expect a substantial decline, this
time may be unusual in that the markets have been distorted by Central Bank
We still have:
the 45 year
Saturn / Uranus trine Next due
November 11
The 12 year Jupiter /
Pluto Square Next due August 4th
The 14 year Jupiter / Uranus opposition Next due Sept.
These longer-term aspects need a broad orb and should be +-
a few weeks at least. They have been described in the subscriber report. Note
the Jupiter / Pluto waning square is
often seen close to Primary cycle troughs although there are not that many
occurrences. The next exact square is the first week in August one day away
from Uranus turning retrograde. These two planets together can result in
bankruptcy or other debt problems. Watch for exaggerated threats over a period
of time.
In addition to the above there is a potent transit between transiting Saturn square the USA natal Neptune. Hard aspects to the
USA's Neptune and Mars often coincide with financial disruption. Saturn will
square the USA Neptune and oppose it's natal Mars 3 times in 2017. January,
July and October.
effect of Saturn square Neptune is deflationary. With the buildup of credit
in the economy the above aspects could bring on defaults, cash shortages
putting stress on the credit markets. Any signs of deflation or defaults should
cause the central banks to print. Inflation is quite possible after that.
We will wait on any further analysis of the SP500 and
Astrological transits and concentrate on what should be the big Astro event of the month, which is,
the Total Solar Eclipse
on August 21st. I will look at Donald Trump’s chart and the
chart for North Korea around the time of the Total Solar Eclipse.
Both charts are the same format, they have an inner wheel
and an outer wheel. The inner wheel is the natal chart, that is when they came
into being.
For Donald Trump that is his birth horoscope. For North
Korea the date the state was formed.
I brought up the August 21 Solar Eclipse in the May
Subscribers Market Letter. This should bring significant events in that time
The planetary positions of Total
Solar Eclipse can be seen in the outer wheel of both the Trump chart and the
chart for North Korea. A Solar Eclipse is the same as a New Moon, that is a
conjunction of the Sun and Moon. They can be seen on the left side of the outer
wheel at 28’LEO52”. This is almost conjunct Trumps Natal Mars. The Solar
Eclipse is in the 12th house. This is the house of hidden enemies,
secret societies, institutions, criminals and crime in general. This could make
this a very volatile period for Trump and with Mars somewhat explosive.
The eclipse is also being trined by
Uranus in the 9th house, the house of religion, teachers, lawyers,
the supreme court, international commerce, shipping (the sea) and public opinion. It can also new new ideas and inventions.
The other critical aspect is
transiting Saturn conjunct Trump’s natal Moon. This signature brings up the
past and the native must pay their dues or correct past actions and may feel
alone and burdened. There may be a feeling of rejection. In the case of a
President the rejection could be from the populace or other leaders.
The North Korea chart has the
Eclipse in the 4th house conjunct the North Korean natal Saturn.
This can be construed as negative for the people of North Korea. The forth
house also covers the land, it’s owners of it and workers on it.
Again, we have Uranus trine the eclipse
point although here Uranus is in the 12th house. This is the house
of hidden enemies, secret societies, institutions, criminals and crime in
Another key transit is Saturn in the 7th house
conjunct the Natal Moon. This is an uncomfortable transit leaving the entity
self-critical and should provide a firm understanding of strengths and
From last week’s post.
The path of this very important
Eclipse is seen in the following:
For Total Solar Eclipses look for
surprising and important events. I’m going to mention other eclipses that
crossed the USA. I’ll leave the discussion of Saros and Metonic cycles for the subscriber’s
report. This eclipse has Uranus trining the eclipse. This could stand for
scientific or technological breakthroughs. It could also be a military or
terrorist event
This eclipse should also affect President Trump as the eclipse is
within 2 degrees of natal Mars in Trump’s birth horoscope. It is also almost on
his ascendant. This could be a sudden breakthrough or surprising event.
Although a Total eclipse can affect
any place on the planet it is usually strongest in the central eclipse path
(see red lines on these charts)
The following 2 chart shows the
last and the next Total Solar eclipses that cross the USA. The dates are June
8, 1918 and April 8, 2024. The June 8th date is close to the Spanish
Flu breakout.
Includes June 8, 1918
And Including the April 8, 2024
Where the eclipses cross can be a
reactivation of an older eclipse. Note the two crossings in the North Western
states. This is approximately the location of Mount St. Helens.
I’ll come back
to Iran in a future post. I’m expecting more problems involving Iran over the
summer months. It could be around the eclipse window. Israel as well. On this
post I’m looking at North Korea.
This Total
Solar Eclipse is at 28’LEO52”. This is the position of the Regulus, one of the 4 Royal Stars of Persia. As such I expect a Royal,
from some family or leader of a nation to be effected by this Total Solar Eclipse.
It could effect, for example, Princess Diane or other Royals, Donald Trump or
other leader. These aspects should also affect Israel and Netanyahu as well.
We can't rule out earthquakes, volcanic activity, violent weather and social unrest.
We can't rule out earthquakes, volcanic activity, violent weather and social unrest.
A summary of
planets and their image.
at the equator of the Sun 27 days

around the earth every 27 days, then
an additional approx. 2.5 days to catch up to the earth's movement. 29.5 days

88 days, approximately 19 days in one
sign geocentrically

224.7 days, about 24-26 days
geocentrically in a sign

687 days, about 43 days (6 weeks) in
a geocentric sign, except when it is stationary.

approx. 11.9 years, 11-13 months to transit through one sign

29.5 years, approximately 2-1/2
years in each sign

84 years, about 7 years to move
through each sign

164.8 years, approx. 13-14 years in
each sign

248.4 years (very erratic), 14-26 years in any given sign.

"Any man who thinks he
can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him had
better take a much closer look at the American Indian."
~Henry Ford
~Henry Ford
We put in a low in Gold on December 15th, 2015 which
was the 7.4-year cycle low in Gold.
Gold appears to have put in a Primary cycle low on May 9th which would put us
in the 13th week of the Primary
I had been looking for Gold to rise into the July 24 – 28
time frame. Among other aspects Mercury
enters heliocentric Sagittarius on July 27th. This latter aspect
can indicate both a move up or the start of a move down. Watch for a sharp move
in Gold July 27–August 6.
If so, watch Gold to make a low in late August. The low
could drag into September. I’m expecting Gold price to rise in the 4th
quarter of 2017 if not before.
The following chart shows seasonal tendencies for Gold. The
2nd half of the year, on average, is up.
Short term there is a change in trend indicator for Gold.
It’s on the subscribers list of forecast dates for Gold.
I was looking at
precious metals being the potential trade of the year but there will be
pullbacks. We may be delayed.
Gold currently looks like a turn down. This is a lower high
so not bullish. We want to see support at the last low which was on July 7th.
The following chart shows a 27 cd (calendar day) cycle (blue vertical
The red lines headed up are the
Mars price line. Watch the Mars Price Line to see if it acts as support /
resistance and watch the 27cd cycle, next cycle August 9th.
We had the Primary cycle start date as March. This would put us entering the 20h week of the Primary cycle.
There is a possible change, that is June 21 may have been a Primary cycle low. The move out of that
date sure looks like the start of a Primary cycle. This would put us in the 7th
The horizontal blue lines are the average longitude of the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and
Pluto. The horizontal red lines are the Fibonacci retracement from Nov
14, 2016 to Feb 21, 2017.
We broke up through the Planetary averages (Jupiter through
Pluto – blue lines) last week. Crude has moved up aggressively. We were watching
crude as it approached the next blue line (average longitude of the planets
Jupiter through Pluto). It bounced off that line and appears headed down but I’m
looking for a move up over the next couple of months.
There were a number of aspects involving Jupiter and Neptune,
which resulted in a move up from June 21st. Jupiter and Neptune are the co-rulers of Crude
and NatGas.
I'm watching
all aspects to Jupiter or Neptune,
the two rulers of crude. Crude can also be effected by Pluto as it rules
“things from the ground”. Mars is active during the next few weeks. It may be a
hot summer for temperatures, politics and conflicts be they the USA vs North
Korea or the Saudi’s vs Qatar or terrorist events. Let’s not forget Iran. There
are a number of areas in the world with significant fires and conflicts.
Following is a daily chart of crude
showing the price lines for the Sun
(green) and Pluto (black). Note crude started up around June 21 and has
moved up between two of the Sun Price Lines. Also note, longer term the moves
down have stopped or slowed down around the Pluto price line. Crude price ended
close to both the Sun and Pluto Price Lines.
I’m looking for crude to follow up
the green Sun price line on the chart.
Following is a chart (Sagittarius
Rising) of the USA in the inner wheel and the current time in the outer wheel.
There is a forming square which
will affect the affairs of the USA over the summer and fall months (mentioned
above). This is the square between transiting Saturn and natal Neptune. Note Saturn is retrograde.
The traditional influences are
illusion, delusion, confusion, lethargy and possibly depression. It is as if
everything has taken on a dull sheen. If you were a writer you would call it
the experience of the writer's block. Rather than force matters, take some time
to contemplate your life in a gentle, reflective light.
From a Mundane Astrology
perspective, it covers socialism, and left wing political ideas. It is
associated with mobs, secret plots, fraud, swindling, bogus companies, loss and
liquidation. This same aspect was near exact during the election period. There
are more cycles building during July / August period. More on this in the next
subscribers report.
A trading journey is like going from one side of the maze to another. Quitters turn back. Winners hit many dead ends but eventually find their way through. Never quit. If you stumble get back up.
ReplyDeleteThe best gold signal services are great source to implement the best strategy by keeping in view the current market trends which can secure you investments steps.
Any expectations from crude oil? It's been consolidating in a tight range for a while now. Do you expect the eclipse to trigger a violent turn down in crude to retest the 38-41$ level in September? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThe eclipse could trigger an unplanned event. With all the conflicts on the horizon I would expect crude to rise. Conflicts extend to the end of October at least.
ReplyDeleteI was looking for a rebound in the US buck but the events around North Korea potentially can distort a number of currencies and commodities. This would be true for crude as well. I'm waiting to see the results of the Solar Eclipse on August 21 and Saturn turning direct on August 25th.
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