Following are some key Astro and Fib dates: All dates are +- 3 tds
Aug 3 This is a Merriman date and is the middle of a cluster of Astro dates
(Aug 1 Sun square Jupiter, Aug 2 Mercury retrograde, Aug 3 Mars enters Cancer and is trine Neptune, Aug 4 Mars conjunct Hades, Neptune backs up into Aquarius, Aug 5 Venus squared Jupiter).
In addition Aug 5 is a Fib date that is 610 td (trading days) from the March 6, 2009 lows. See the blue vertical lines on the following daily chart of the SP500. Also note we are right on the trend line (light blue) and at the 76.4% and 78.6% fib retracement of the move from the July 1, 2010 low to the May 2, 2011 high. The SP500 is also just above the 200 dma. Breaking sharply below this area would be extremely negative therefore I’m looking for the debt ceiling issue to be resolved Aug 3-5 with a quick large pop to follow.
And in addition to the above, taking a significant low July 1,2010 and squaring the calendar days looks like the following
Squares of CD from July 1, 2010
13^2 = 12/17/2010
14^2 = 01/13/2011
15^2 = 02/11/2011
16^2 = 03/14/2011 L
17^2 = 04/16/2011 L
18^2 = 05/21/2011 L
19^2 = 06/24/2011 L
20^2 = 08/05/2011 ?
The first 3 dates listed were during the dramatic run up. The last 4 dates were on lows and we are therefore looking for another low around Aug 5.
Aug 10 August 9-11 has Mars translating the Uranus / Pluto square. This should have a negative impact but may be cancelled if the debt ceiling is resolved the previous week. If not resolved this could equate to the low.
During this time period, Aug 12th, the Sun will be translating the Uranus / Pluto by sesquisquare (45 degrees). Aug 13th, Venus will do the same as they are almost conjunct. See the following 45 degree graphic ephemeris for the month of August 2011. A graphic ephemeris simply shows the position of the planets over time. A 45 degree graphic ephemeris is the 8th harmonic, that is 360 degree /8 = 45 degrees. The 8th harmonic is also known as the harmonic of manifestation, that meaning these aspects tend to have a direct impact at the physical level we know as reality. At least I think it's reality.
Aug 13 New Moon. Often a high, even if a lower high.
Aug 16 The Sun will be conjunct Mercury and Venus. This will be a superior conjunction of Venus and inferior conjunction for Mercury. Mercury and Venus are the only two planets between the Earth and the Sun. A superior conjunction happens when the Earth and Venus are on opposite sides of the Sun. Same for Mercury. We should say, Mercury is retrograde from Aug 2 through Aug 26. Not a good time for making deals or coming up with strategies to fix long term debt problems.
Aug 17 Mars will be on the July 1, 2011 eclipse point. There is also a time fib. From Oct 10, 2002 to March 6, 2009 is 2,339 cd (calendar days). 2339 * fib .382 = 894 cd
March 6, 2009 + 894 = Aug 17, 2011.
Aug 16/17 may mark a high or low in the markets. If we have rebounded from the US debt ceiling fiasco this may be the high then down. If the markets are still down, doubtful, then this may mark the bottom then up.
More on the latter half of August later.
One last comment. Have you ever noticed how the powers that be get a lot of attention on one news item when they are trying to get a more important item off centre stage. Of course the mainstream media is so willing to oblige. The message, be aware of a surprise item hitting the world attention in August.
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