Before I comment on August I should mention the heliocentric transit of Mercury in Sagittarius. The first few days of this transit tends to be more bullish for currencies and precious metals than for stocks. We say tends to as approx. 80% of the time that is true. Keep in mind the other 20% precious metals may go down quickly and stocks may go up quickly..
Watch this play out as heliocentric Mercury enters Sagittarius on July 19 until July 30. The technical indicators I’m looking at point to a possible rise in stocks and down in precious metals. Not sure on currencies.
Any of the eclipse dates we have followed so far have been market movers so we should also mention July 20th, Mars is on the antiscia point (20Gem48) of the July 1 solar eclipse.
July 27 has the Sun trining Uranus which is the trine which always occurs after the Uranus retrograde. Review a previous post for a Uranus retrograde chart. This looks like it could be signalling a rising stock market. A rising stock market a few days before the US debt deadline seems difficult to envision so we’ll watch closely.
Now we come to August. The first half of August will be dominated by Mars transits and events. Mars is the God of war, but also the fight or flight impulse. It governs the concepts of action, motivation, impulses and hostility. It also is the threat of war perhaps as a means to control populations. Before looking at the aspects it should be mentioned Mars enters Cancer on Aug 3rd. In Cancer Mars is in it’s fall or where it operates with the least strength. Mars and Cancer are just not compatible. The next day, Aug 4th, however Mars will be conjunct the Uranian point Hades. Remember Hades as Pluto's mean big brother. So this period Aug 2- 4 must be looked at as a possible turning point in the markets and obviously covers the US debt limit date. Other world issues may infringe on our concentration on the markets. Apparently there is more going on in the world than the dance of the SP500. Who knew?
Next up is August 9 – 11 where Mars will first square Uranus and then oppose Pluto. This is a classic war aspect, which we may get by with a weakened Mars in Cancer. This signature is also one which screams debt problems. Is it the US or more problems in Europe. Don't know, but these aspects point to debt problems coming out in an explosive fashion.
We have more. Aug 16 the Sun will be conjunct Mercury and Venus. This will be a superior conjunction of Venus and inferior conjunction for Mercury. Mercury and Venus are the only two planets between the Earth and the Sun. A superior conjunction happens when the Earth and Venus are on opposite sides of the Sun. Same for Mercury. We should say, Mercury is retrograde from Aug 2 through Aug 26. Not a good time for making deals or coming up with strategies to fix long term debt problems.
Aug 17 Mars will be on the point of the July 1st partial solar eclipse date.
There are a lot of dates mentioned above most will be signals for volatility and big range days. There is the potential for a more severe market crash in the above time frame but my thinking is the market crash is a 2012 or 2013 event.
Lets see if we can go up next week, starting July 18, based on the stock markets having put in a 50 week cycle bottom in mid June. We are therefore in the 5th week of a new primary cycle (nominal 18 week cycle) and the 50 week cycle. Things should be bullish. If they do not turn bullish shortly we have very big trouble coming. Looking at the August transits, we may have big trouble coming anyway.
And to carry on with our silver chart, silver came up, off the Venus line and is trying to break through the Jupiter line. If successful it may go up fast. This would tie into the heliocentric Mercury in Sagittarius transit mentioned above. It still has to break through the Jupiter line and technicals point to an overextended Silver market. Watch closely.
Thanks for the update.