We got the expected volatility
last week with Mars still quite active, coming in from "Out of
Bounds" on Nov 20 and Mars passing over the heliocentric nodes of Pluto on
Nov 22nd.
Friday Nov 21 was a dramatic day. For
those with an interest in Fibonacci numbers Friday was 1440 td's (trading days)
from the Mar 6, 2009 low, 144 is a Fibonacci number. Friday was also on a 39 td
cycle (89 / square root of 5 = 39) which had been predominately lows but
inverted with the news from
of the reduction in interest rates. 89 is a Fibonacci number. Other Fibonacci calculations and the market see (
This coming week there are two Astrological aspects that have a history of
turns, one on Sunday the other, later in the week. Subscribers have more
details and the dates. There are also multiple declination parallel aspects later
in the week most of which occur during the Thanksgiving holidays in the US. There is a
brief description of declination's further down.
Last week I was looking for a move
down late in the week. This didn't happen. The days around Thanksgiving are generally positive for
the US markets as is this
time of year, nevertheless, I'm looking for a pullback in the general US market
The period in mid-December looks
troublesome for the markets and for world events in general. The same could be
said for the early weeks of 2015.
Mid-December may be a very important time period for many
I'm short from last week, but not
aggressively so.
As a general statement going
forward. For the past couple of years I have been forecasting pull backs and
crests in the general market indices. There has been no mention of market
crashes or more dire events. The strength of the market has been impressive
although it may have been manipulated up.
For 2015 and the first quarter of
2016 we'll be looking for a more severe market turn and possible crash. At
this point I'm assuming some external event will cause the fall but this could
change as we move forward and get closer to some hard Astrological aspects.
We are entering either
16th week of the nominal 18 week cycle
(nominal 18 week) which started on
Aug 7th or the
6th week,
Oct 15th being the low of a
shortened nominal 18 week cycle and a 50 week cycle low.
This is looking more like a Primary cycle bottom on Oct 15th and therefore, cycle wise, we
should be looking for a pullback into the nominal 6 week cycle.
The problem with Oct 15th being a nominal 18 week low is the
cycle was only 10 weeks long. Also the previous cycle was a very long 27 weeks
making this generally reliable cycle somewhat useless to use as a trading tool
for the last few months. It could be argued the short 10 week cycle makes up
for the previous, extended cycle of 27 weeks. We note both on the following
daily chart of the SP500.
Historically we are entering the strong period of the year
for the markets. We also have the reaction to the mid-term elections in the US. It was
pointed out to me this is typically very positive when there is a democratic
president. This is based on averages but we should be aware of market
tendencies to move in one direction or the other.
Astrological events coming up are:
Nov 22 Mars
crosses the heliocentric Nodes of Pluto ( volatility in the days around this
aspect). As I write this post I note Japan
has just had a 6.8 earthquake in the Nagano
area. This is a Mars / Pluto issue. Pluto also rules all things nuclear so
watch for news out of Japan.
Nov 23 Chiron Direct
- has a history of occurring at market CIT's (Change In Trend)
Nov 25 Mercury
conjunct Saturn - often found at short term changes in trend
Nov 26 Venus
waning trine Uranus - found at Primary cycle changes in trend. Note, the
Primary cycle could only end in this time frame if we take Aug 7th as the start
of the Primary. This is still a possibility.
Nov 27 Sun waning
square Neptune - this aspect is most often
found near a trough. We would have to move down sharply, starting early in the
week if this is going to work out to be a trough. Obviously this is in US
Thanksgiving but this has a range of +- 5 td's and we should watch for other
markets to be affected close by this date.
A general note on Neptune.
Like any planet Neptune can rule many things.
One is illusion and delusion. Other things ruled by Neptune are; health and
welfare, charities, spirituality, refinement, weakness, healing, hospitals,
prisons, legal and illegal drugs, chemicals, poisons, scandal, corruption,
fraud, propaganda, films, socialism, the oceans, oil and gas and the navy.
On the subject of frauds there is very unusual activity in
both the S&P futures and Gold markets. Unusual activity in this case means
large volumes during periods of traditional low volume activity (ex: 3:00am -
I bring this up because Neptune
is in a powerful position, it is in it's own sign, Pisces. Things that it rules
come to the fore and are more potent than usual. Neptune
is a slow moving Planet and is in each sign approx. 14 years. It's part of the
background to history and as the book states, it's the "Sign of the
In Pisces, Neptune acts
with the greatest ease. It is often associated with dependency. When looking at
a general population this can be dependency on the populations government,
including hand-outs and all forms of programs, from pensions to food stamps.
Dependency can also cover addiction to technological toys from cell phones that
can't be put down, to an x-box or other games. Media propaganda is often
highlighted during Neptune / Pisces transits as is depression, oppression or
exploitation. Pisces is also associated with healing so watch for developments
in medicines (traditional and alternative) and medical technologies and
alternative healing.
Watch for the effect of the above. Market wise watch the
medical sectors and those companies bringing new technologies forward.
I'll include the Uranus / Pluto waxing square chart once
again as it could be very important over the next few weeks. Long term aspects
like this require a trigger, another planet or event that triggers the effect
of the Uranus / Pluto waxing square. In this case there is a big one close by.
This daily chart of the SP500 shows the previous 5 instances
of the Uranus waxing square to Pluto and the two coming up. Note; the previous
exact squares most often marked a short term top then down. Also note on the
chart, the horizontal purple lines are the Uranus price lines which have acted
as both resistance and support. We appear to be breaking through the next
Uranus price line unless the markets take a turn down, which I am expecting
next week.

Much of the Astrology covered in this blog and others deals with planet positions, the angles they make to them and the distance they travel as they revolve around the Sun. Thus we say Mars is at 25 degrees, 37 minutes in Capricorn. These are measurements of the planet moving around the Sun and are called longitude.
Think of longitude as a horizontal measurement. There is another measurement which we can look upon as a vertical measurement. That is declination's.
Declinations are a measurement of a planet north or south of the celestial equator which is the Earth's equator extended out into space. The circle each planet makes moving around the Sun are on different planes. The Sun can move north or south of the celestial equator. It's maximum distance north or south is 23 degrees, 27 minutes. If you look at a globe you would see the maxim Sun movement as the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer. If another planet went beyond 23 degrees, 27 minutes, it is said to be "out of bounds". Events may happen related to the planet that are unusual or unexpected.
Gold appears to have put in a trough on
Nov 7th. This would put us in
3rd week of it's Primary cycle 1
(nominal 18 week).
It has been difficult forecasting many of the commodities due
to possible deflationary forces, wild currency moves and market manipulation. Even
if it is the 3rd week of a new Primary cycle, which is typically bullish, it
could turn back down quickly.
On the daily chart below, price has broken through the 15 day
sma and touched the 45 day sma on Friday. The next target would be 38.2%
retracement at approx 1213.
The start of a new Primary cycle often has a pullback 2 to 4
weeks after the trough. For those that are not long this gives a second
opportunity to get long. This is particularly useful when we have a pullback in
the first 2-4 weeks and then you see a turn up. Watch the Fib retracement
levels on the following daily chart for Gold. Be particularly careful trading
Gold here as the central banks (Western World) do not want people putting their
money in precious metals. China
and Russia
appear to be buying as much as they can. There is something brewing here.
Subscribers got a more detailed review of the longer term
Gold aspects detailing an 8.5 year, 4.25 year and 17 month cycles two weeks
The following weekly chart shows the heliocentric Venus
(green) and Jupiter (blue) price lines. Both have acted as support/resistance
for Gold in the past as seen on the following daily chart. Watch for Gold to follow
the Venus price line up and then cross above the Jupiter price line currently
in the 1211 area. The dark blue Jupiter price line may act as strong
resistance. Be very careful with Gold here. It would be extremely positive for
Gold to break through the Jupiter price line, but remember the comments on
fraud and manipulation above. Gold's time is coming, I'm just not sure if it is
Silver also appears
to be in the 3rd week of it's Primary cycle cycle
Nov 7th. Like Gold, Silver appears to have bottomed and now
turning up. Also like Gold watch for a pullback 2-4 weeks along that then turns
The following chart shows
the heliocentric Venus (green) and Jupiter(blue) price lines on a daily chart
for Silver. The trend often changes when these two price lines cross. If this
is a new Primary cycle I would expect Silver to rise and follow the Venus price
line up.
Eureka, crude has moved up 2 days in a row. It's possible
this is the start of a new Primary 1
cycle. The last cycle was left translated which is bearish. If this is a
new cycle forming watch for it to be left translated as well. There is a lot of
deflationary pressure on many commodities, precious metals included.
I gave a number of reasons for the behavior in the price of
crude last week. I'll add the major Astros. Crude is ruled by Jupiter and
Neptune. As mentioned above Neptune is in it's home sign Pisces, where Neptune is quite powerful. Neptune
is also about deceit and confusion.
For crude I'm watching the 23.6% retracement level on the
following daily chart. Crude seems to have entered a consolidation area.
I'm looking for a trigger for crude. Aspects to Jupiter or
Neptune, the rulers of crude would be good candidates. Possible candidates are:
Nov 27 Sun square
Dec 9 Jupiter
stationary retrograde.
Somewhere between the Nov 17, Neptune
direct and Dec 9th, Jupiter retrograde should see a reversal in crude or a
change in one of the issues involving crude.
On a longer term basis there is a 38-39 month cycle in crude, many commodities and the US$. The longer
term cycles need a wider orb. This cycle could trough out from now to early
November. It could also be this week. The following weekly chart shows the
38/39 month cycle in crude. There are sub-cycles. I'm looking at April 2015 for
the next high. It will probably be a lower high.
There is also an interesting 16 x 24 week cycle. When they
both match (green line) the 16 week (red) and the 24 week (blue) both hit at
the same time. This is very often a change in trend.
Next date, Dec 8.
Other items, more specifics on the SP500, Gold and crude
also US$, NatGas, Coffee reserved for subscribers. At $99.00 for a 6 month subscription, can you afford not to have it?
People signing up now
(after November 1st) will get the rest of 2014 and the first half of 2015, Jan.
- June)