This is looking at a natal chart of the FED based on a time of Dec 23, 1913 at 6:02pm EST at Washington DC. Late February to early April has a number of significant longer term transits, some of which hit major points on the FEDs natal chart.
Long Term Transits
Feb 20 Mars conjunct Neptune (and Mercury)
Feb 26 Jupiter Squared Pluto
Feb 28 Neptune Trine Hades
March 3 North Node enters Sagittarius
March 5 Uranus Squares the North Node
March 7 Neptune Sextile the North Node
March 11 Uranus enters Aries
March 28 Jupiter opposition Saturn
April 4 Neptune enters Pisces
Chart of the FED with transits as of March 18, 2011
March 18th was chosen as it is the date transiting Uranus hits the Mid-heaven of the FED natal chart. As this is a longer term aspect we cannot expect news or an event on that specific day, but somewhere around that date. Uranus conjunct Mid-heaven will also be forming a T square with the natal charts Pluto Sun opposition.
It should be noted the Sun conjuncts Uranus on March 21, within one day of the spring equinox, a day which has often seen large swings in the markets. As can be seen from the list of transits the Sun will also be squaring the North Node during this period.
In general this would appear to be a very volatile month. As for the FED, something sudden and unexpected may spring up. With the T square from transiting Uranus at Mid-heaven to the natal Sun / Pluto opposition this may be an event that changes the very nature and purpose of the FED. It could also be the cancellation or extension of quantitative easing. Whatever is in store it should be of great significance.
Any day could be significant but the following dates are a little more significant than others.
March 1
March 2
March 15
March 18, 21
Uranus and Neptune changing signs are generational events with orbits of 84 and 164.8 years respectively.
As I believe the current rebellions in the mid-east were triggered by the Jan 4, 2011 Solar eclipse, see previous post, it's interesting to note the following.
Solar eclipses can be divided up and part of Saros cycles which are approximately 18.03 years. 3 Saros cycles is approximately 54 years and the Solar eclipses will come back to approximately the same position in longitude. It is of the utmost interest that 54 years ago we had the Suez crisis.
"It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards"
-- Lewis Carroll, The White Queen, Through the Looking-Glass
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