Assuming the above, the following is a solar map of the Jan 4th partial solar eclipse.
Watch the countries that are touched by the visible eclipse path. Tunisia and Egypt were in the visible path but so are parts of Europe. These yet may have a reaction to this powerful eclipse.
At the time of the Eclipse the powerful conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus was almost exact and was being trined by Venus. Venus was also squaring the Chiron, Neptune conjunction.
The following is text from COSI "The Combination of Stellar Influences" by Reinhold Ebertin first published in 1940 regarding Jupiter / Uranus
"A love of freedom, the urge for independence, the obstinate adherence to one's own principles..."
"The urge for independence..."
The effects of this eclipse and Jupiter Uranus conjunction will be felt for a long period of time.
Briefly, what is coming up is a period where the debt crisis comes to the fore once again and a period of geophysical stress which may start as early as this week with a perigee full moon.
This coming week may be the turn in the stock market many have been waiting for. If so it may be deep but very fast.
Other issues coming are the Jupiter Pluto square, exact on Feb 25 which should emphasize debt problems but also has a history of terrorist activities.
More on these subjects in a future post.
And I couldn't resists putting in this quote from the Israel newspaper Harretz.
"How pleasant to see the United States digging itself a deeper hole every day with its declarations and suggestions to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak: Yes to resigning now; no to resigning now; lift the state of emergency; dissolve parliament, perhaps; talk to the Muslim Brotherhood; don't talk to them. And what about the ping-pong between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama? Is anything more entertaining than watching the U.S. president, who just a few weeks earlier admitted the failure of the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, attempting to create another democratic state in the region?"
Excellent Analysis !
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