The 34 week cycle next hits on approx Feb 14 but 1 week, at least, should be allowed on both sides meaning the cycle could hit Feb 7 - Feb 25. At the present time this looks like it may be forming a crest rather than a trough (inverted) and would need an immediate and fairly deep reversal to see a trough in this time frame. It's possible this may mark the start of a move down into the March 28 time frame where Jupiter opposes Saturn (red double arrow symbol). With the FED active this may mean nothing at all.
The next daily chart of Oil shows the Sun and Mars trines to Saturn which occur Feb 6. Both these signatures have been followed by declines in Oil (sometimes small declines). This is particularly true for the Sun trine Saturn which occurs shortly after the Saturn retrograde.
The red vertical lines show the 13 week cycle which is due for a trough around Feb 21 but give it a few days either side.
Of possible interest is the current rebellion in Egypt. Political affairs in Egypt seemed to be affected by Saturn in Libra. Leadership and government tend to change when Saturn is transiting through Libra, a 29 - 30 year event.
Modern Egypt was founded by Muhammad Ali in 1805 with Saturn in Libra. Egypt gained independence from Britain in 1922 with Saturn in Libra. Egypt became a Republic in 1953 with Saturn in Libra. Anwar Sadat was assassinated in 1981 with Saturn in Libra giving rise to Mubarak taking power. Perhaps it would be prudent for Mubarak, son and family to get the hell out of their while the getting is still good. The planets say it's time for a change.
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