Saturday, July 26, 2014

Financial Astrology - July 27, 2014

The first order of business is to correct the Primary cycle count. After an email discussion with one of our readers I believe the Primary cycle count I've been using for the SP500 is incorrect. Mr. L. S. pointed out the Dow probably had Primary cycle low on May 20th. This would put us 10 weeks along in it's Primary cycle. One thing we look for in a Primary cycle (nominal 18 week or 90 td's) is for price to break through the 15 day sma then the 45 day sma. The 45 day being 1/2 of the approx. 90 td cycle. Another thing we look for is the 15 day sma break below the 45 day sma. This did not happen in this case.

Looking at the following  daily chart of the DJIA we see that price broke through the 45 sma very briefly around the May 20th low. This is a weak low but helps explain where we are at the present time, that being 10 weeks along a Primary cycle that started on May 20th. It helps to get differing opinions on these cycles. In this case I say thank you to Mr. L.S. and his input which was very correct.

While we are at it, following is a revised Primary cycle count for the SP500. Price dipped below the 45 sma very briefly on May 15th. This puts us in the 10th week of the Primary cycle. The following daily chart of the SP500 reflects the changes to the cycles.

Note the 15 and 45 sma (simple moving average). They are both plotted normally as you would see on most sites.

When searching for cycles it is very useful to center the moving averages. That is move the 15 and 45 sma's back 7 and 22 days respectively ( it's a daily chart) if your software can do it.

Following is the same chart of the SP500 with the moving averages centered, or moved back 1/2 of the moving average length.

Compare the two charts. Note how the Primary cycle troughs stand out more when the moving averages are centered. For a Primary cycle low ideally we want to see the 15 sma lower than the 45 sma and price lower than both. So this is useful when looking back in time and trying to identify cycle turns. We also get more accurate counts of where we are in the current Primary cycle. In this case 10 weeks along rather than the 24th week which we had on the previous weeks report.

That said we are still looking for a move down in both the above indexes but not as deep as a Primary cycle low because it isn't. They are 10 weeks along.

What should also be noted is the Primary cycle has had, over a long period of time, an average of 18 weeks with a range of 15-23 weeks. As can be seen on the above charts the lengths of the Primary cycle have been short for the last year and one-half coming in at approx. 16 weeks. This needs to be watched.

This is now pointing to mid September time frame for a Primary cycle low.

That said what does the SP500 look like now?

Thursday July 24 was a Doji (often seen at turns) and then down on Friday July 25th. The coming week has Venus translating the Uranus / Pluto square. I expect to see a volatile up and down week. There is an FOMC meeting on Wednesday July 30th.

What is coming up in August looks nasty. I've mentioned July 20 had Saturn turning direct and July 21 Uranus turning retrograde. I've also mentioned in previous posts there is a time window around the dates of retrograde and direct movement. The above mentioned time windows extend to Aug 8 when the Sun trines Uranus and Aug 9th the Sun squares Saturn. That weekend there is another perigee Full Moon on Aug 10th (or Super Moon). Saturn is in a T-Square configuration to this Super Moon. Watched out for major accidents, violent weather and geophysical events.

The above are stressing Saturn which is in the sign of Scorpio. Both Saturn and Pluto transiting Scorpio have a history of epidemics and general health concerns. Currently there is an Ebola outbreak in Africa and a possible bubonic plague occurrence in China. With Saturn in Scorpio and Mars catching up to Saturn with a conjunction on Aug 25th, I would expect these epidemic outbreaks to worsen in the month of August.

Saturn in Scorpio can also represent changes in tax structure and problems with debt. Portugal has had some recent bank debt problems. I expect there will be more.

Aug 25th is also 1,998 cd's from the March 6, 2009 low on the SP500 which was 666. 1998 = 666 * 3. Watch this date.

Gold is in the 8th week of it's Primary cycle and the first Major cycle (6 week, with a range of 5-7 weeks) of the Primary. We have now had two attempts to break through the 1293.75 area which is 50% retracement of the move up from June 3rd to July 10th.

July 25 had Mars in Quintile to Pluto as it entered the sign of Scorpio. On July 26 the New Moon squares Mars as it entered Scorpio. The current daily chart for Gold follows.

Any move below $1280,on strong volume and I will be out. Subscribers have the dates where I expect we'll see a rise in Gold prices and for how long.

Silver is in the 9th week of it's Primary cycle. Like Gold we got the pullback we were looking for. Nevertheless I bought. We could still get a pullback. I'm looking for Silver to take out previous highs, first, on Feb 24, 2014 then Oct 30, 2013. Like Gold I'll buy any declines from here. Any move below the May 30 low and I will be out. Remember the only metals that has been manipulated more than Gold is Silver. The Central Banks of the world will fight against rising precious metals prices. They want your money in stocks.

Two specific dates for Silver were given to subscribers this week.

We are in the 13th week of the Primary cycle in crude and it appear to have put in the second Major cycle trough of the Primary cycle. With the problems in the mid-East, production of crude and it's transport may be a large problem forcing the price of crude up.

Seasonally week, yes, but Jupiter is moving into degrees in the Zodiac which have been very important for the price of crude and decisions related to crude and the regions boundaries in the mid-East.

From last weeks post:
"Will borders be changed? Will Israel be receiving more oil from the Kurds? Will the US, Britain or France stick their respective noses into this situation. I'll wait and see. There is big trouble in the making. Watch closely."

Also from last week:
"On another note, Jupiter is the "King's planet". This may signal changes in the head's of state or other organization in any of the mid-Eastern countries. Any country with a stake in crude production in the mid-East. I would add Turkey to the mix. I'm watching Saudi Arabia as well."

What I'm saying here is many people are watching Gold and other PM's. Watch crude as well. Subscribers, have had critical dates for a few weeks.

There are some other issues regarding crude. There has been a dramatic increase in small earthquakes in the states of Kansas and Oklahoma. Some are pointing to waste water pumped into the ground after drilling shale projects as the problem. This situation needs to be monitored closely.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Financial Astrology - July 20, 2014

Well, we've had dramatic world events, two major typhoons and a couple of earthquakes but the latter were not that strong. All forecast in this blog and market letter over the last three weeks. The exact transits that would cause such events are centered in the July 20 -24th timeframe but sometimes, when a dramatic event occurs it takes the pressure off. Nevertheless be watchful of the news as there could be other events unfold or lies exposed. Let the propaganda wars begin, as if they ever end. When listening to the propaganda machines, ask your self the question cui bono, "Who benefits".

There could be more geophysical events and violent weather around July 20-23 and then July 28-31. I'm hoping there are no other events like the downing of flight MH17 but with the prevailing Astrological transits, there could be. Israel / Gaza or Iraq could resume center stage, however, that would not be surprising. There may be another surprise event. Watch for issues involving debt and banks.

This coming two weeks could see debt problems or banking issues surface once again. The Portuguese bank last week may be the tip of the iceberg. Violence should continue in the hot-spots of the world.

July 20 Saturn turns direct in Scorpio, then on July 21 Uranus turns retrograde (appears to be moving backward). Saturn turning direct could point to issues with debt, banks, stock markets and other peoples money. Uranus signatures usually equate to sudden, surprise events. This is emphasized since it is in Aries as is independence which is what most of the current fighting around the world is all about. That is the people in power want control and the people want independence.

During this period Saturn and Uranus are in a Quincunx aspect (150 degrees). This is generally viewed as a minor aspect but in this case there are two powerful slow moving planets involved. This could bring sudden changes or restrictions to banking or financial service, taxes etc. This aspect is telling us we need to make changes. This seems to be pointing to the things mentioned above, debt, banks, stock markets and other peoples money This aspect is in force for a couple of months around the exact date but could be triggered now due to the direct and retrograde motion of Saturn and Uranus.

On July 15 the leaders of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) countries and South Africa met in Brazil to sign an agreement to create their own development bank. The new bank is seen as a strong push by the BRICs against the World Bank and possibly the beginnings of a challenge to the US dollar being the reserve currency of the world.

I didn't see this photograph in the main stream media.

We have been expecting a pullback in the markets. So far it has been very small. We were looking for a trough in the Primary cycle (nominal 18 week) with a range of 15-23 weeks. Currently we are 24 weeks along the Primary cycle. This is now over due. The following daily chart of the SP500 shows it has been going sideways since July 3rd.
For a Primary cycle trough we ideally would like to see price go below the 45 sma (simple moving average). This is currently around the $1942 area. Beyond the aspects mentioned above there has been a number of planets changing signs which often results in a change in peoples attitude. These planets may affect crude issues. Subscribers have the dates.

There are a number of smaller market cycles hitting this week as well.

To follow a chart we've shown a number of times the following daily chart of the SP500 shows the Pluto price line (blue) and the North Node price line (red). Looking back they have both been resistance, then resistance turned to support. The North Node currently appears to be support. Any break through the 1956 area on good volume could start a pullback. Technically there should be resistance in the 1945 area as well.

We had added the chart of the Russell 2000 (RUT) a couple of weeks ago as it is felt an index of 2000 stocks is less open to manipulation than the major U.S. index's (SP500, Nasdaq 100 and DJIA).

The Russell 2000 appears to have put in a Primary cycle low on May 15th which means it is entering the 9th week of the Primary cycle and may have just put in a Major cycle trough which was a little late. Normally this would be a buy signal, but with other world events, I'm watching for now. Notice it bounced off the 61.8% retracement level of the move up from the low on May 15th to the high on July 1st.

In general the Russell 2000 is behaving the way we are used to seeing in the market and it's cycles. Presumably without the influence of the FED's manipulation.

We have been waiting for a big move in precious metals. We got the pullback we were looking for in Gold and Silver. In Gold the move down to the 1290 area was almost too perfect. Gold is currently in the 7th week of it's Primary cycle. It made a quick move down this week and may retest the 1290 area this week. The Sun rules Gold and the Sun rules Leo. By Tuesday, July 22nd we will have the Sun and Jupiter (the greater benefic) in Leo. One would think positive for Gold but there is another much bigger Astrological event coming up for precious metals. Again the subscribers have the forecast dates. July 21 - 25th may be quite volatile. I'm buying the dips.

Any move below $1280,on strong volume and I will be out.

Silver is in the 8th week of it's Primary cycle. Like Gold we got the pullback we were looking for. Nevertheless I bought. We could still get a pullback. I'm looking for Silver to take out previous highs, first, on Feb 24, 2014 then Oct 30, 2013. Like Gold I'll buy any declines from here. Any move below the May 30 low and I will be out. Remember the only metals that has been manipulated more than Gold is Silver.

Two specific dates for Silver were given to subscribers this week.

Seasonally this is a weak period for crude, however, with the disruption of crude production in Iraq, Libya etc. price has shot up and now moved down, at least in the US. (WTIC).

Seasonally week, yes, but Jupiter is moving into degrees in the Zodiac which have been very important for the price of crude and decisions related to crude and the regions boundaries in the mid-East.

From last weeks post:
"Will borders be changed? Will Israel be receiving more oil from the Kurds? Will the US, Britain or France stick their respective noses into this situation. I'll wait and see. There is big trouble in the making. Watch closely."

Big trouble in the making in deed. With the news flow from the Israel / Gaza conflict the Iraq situation is on the back burner. I'm sure it will be on the hot front burner soon. I'm expecting the issue to be the control of crude production and export.

Also from last week:
"On another note, Jupiter is the "King's planet". This may signal changes in the head's of state or other organization in any of the mid-Eastern countries. Any country with a stake in crude production in the mid-East. I would add Turkey to the mix. I'm watching Saudi Arabia as well."

What I'm saying here is many people are watching Gold and other PM's. Watch crude as well. Subscribers, use the dates I supplied two weeks ago.

There are some other issues regarding crude. There has been a dramatic increase in small earthquakes in the states of Kansas and Oklahoma. Some are pointing to waste water pumped into the ground after drilling shale projects as the problem. This situation needs to be monitored closely.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 17, 2014 update.

From the July 5th blog post and the Malaysian plane disaster today.

"We have arrived at a time period where we should witness dramatic global events. This should start July 4th through July 22 and could extend a little further."

This has been repeatedly mentioned in the weekly market letters as well.

We are not out the woods yet. There could be other events from now into July 25th, possibly later.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Financial Astrology - July 13, 2014

Worldwide we had expected an increase in earthquake activity and a number of large storms. You can typically expect such activity around the days of a perigee Full Moon (Super Moon -- Richard Nolle) July 12th. We got both with a major typhoon in Japan and earthquakes in Mexico and off the coast of Japan. You can monitor earthquake activity here.

I'm expecting more geophysical events and violent weather around July 20-23 and then July 28-31 both +- a few days.

We have been expecting a pullback in the markets. So far it has been very small. We were looking for a trough in the Primary cycle (nominal 18 week) with a range of 15-23 weeks. Currently we are 23 weeks along the Primary cycle. Very late and very unusual to have a new high so late in the cycle.

A minimal expectation would be for a pullback into the $1925 area. This would be 23.6% of the move up from Feb 5, 2014 to July 3, 2014. (23.6 % = 61.8% * 38.2 % all Fibonacci ratios). Even a move to the 45 sma, currently at $1931 would indicate a possible Primary cycle trough. Also due at this time was a 9 week cycle and a longer term 55 week cycle. For the latter cycle we were looking for a crest. It may have started but too early too tell. Earnings season should tell the story. The Astrological events coming up over the next 2-3 weeks look negative for the markets. Violence should continue in the hot-spots of the world.

There are a number of Planets changing signs with can often result in changes in attitude of people.

July 13 Mercury enters Cancer. This is the second time in about a month for Mercury to enter Cancer due to retrograde motion. Mercury is short term thinking and is leaving the more light hearted sign of Gemini to the more serious and protective sign of Cancer.

July 16 Jupiter enters Leo. An approx. 12 year event. Jupiter is the co-ruler of crude. This transit has a lot of history with crude in the mid-East, wars about control of crude and various agreements regarding the same subject. Subscribers were given a number of dates two weeks ago regarding potential critical time periods in July and August when crude and the mid-east should be in the news. See notes on Crude, below.

July 18 Venus enters Cancer

July 22 Sun enters Leo

See last weeks blog post for other dates.

The whole month looks a little shaky. Astrological events that should affect the market seem to be July 20- July 24th.

A chart I've shown a number of times is the Pluto (blue) and North Node (red) price lines. Pluto was resistance, then support. The index then jumped to the North Node price line quickly, broke through and has since fallen back and seems to be getting support at the North Node price line. Watch the area around $1956 to see if price can break through on the downside.

It's interesting to note a very reliable market cycle 22/44 weeks did not appear to work. The indices would have to start down almost immediately if this cycle is going to manifest on-time.

We had added the chart of the Russell 2000 (RUT) a couple of weeks ago as it is felt an index of 2000 stocks is less open to manipulation than the major U.S. index's (SP500, Nasdaq 100 and DJIA).

The Russell 2000 appears to have put in a Primary cycle low on May 15th which means it is entering the 8th week of the Primary cycle. It is thus due for a Major cycle trough which seems to be forming and pullback potentially to the 1138-1151 area. This is at the 38.2% and 50.0% Fibonacci retracement.

Following is a repeat of the Primary cycle and it's cycle components.

Primary cycles have an average length of 18 weeks.
Primary cycles most often break down into 3 Major cycles of approx. 6 weeks each. (Note: some behave differently).
Each Major cycle often breaks down into 2 or 3 week Trading cycles. The Trading cycle often gives the trader a second chance of buying the Primary cycle low if the trader missed the actual low.

We were waiting for a pullback in Gold and got a small one. I added more positions on July 10th in the $1333 area although I still feel we could get another pullback but didn't want Gold to run away from me. I would buy here or buy on any pullbacks.

Again the subscribers have the forecast dates. All should be looked at as +- a couple of TD's, trading days. These dates will have everything to do with Jupiter and the Sun entering Leo, Mars entering Scorpio and the potentially volatile period from July 20 - 25.

Gold is currently in the 6th week of the Primary cycle. It may have just put in a very weak trough and entering the second Major cycle of the Primary cycle. That would be bullish It's still possible we are in the first Major cycle of the Primary so be careful and watch for a possible move lower early next week. Any move below $1280 and I will be out. Subscribers have more detail.

Silver is in the 7th week of it's Primary cycle. Like Gold I was looking for a more substantial pullback which we did not get. Nevertheless I bought. We could still get a pullback. I'm looking for Silver to take out previous highs, first, on Feb 24, 2014 then Oct 30, 2013. Like Gold I'll buy any declines from here. Any move below the May 30 low and I will be out. Remember the only metals that has been manipulated more than Gold is Silver.

Two specific dates for Silver were given to subscribers this week.

One of the precious metals ETF's I buy is CEF.A on the TSX. I'm in Canada you see. It is also in the US, ticker CEF. It's called the Central Canada Fund, has been around since the 1960's and holds the metal bars, Gold and Silver. The bars are in Canadian banks, segregated and shockingly audited every year. The concept of auditing Gold bars seems foreign to the FED. More importantly it's run by honorable men. Stand up Mr. Ian McAvity.

Seasonally this is a weak period for crude, however, with the disruption of crude production in Iraq, Libya etc. price had shot up and now moved down, at least in the US. (WTIC).

Seasonally week, yes, but Jupiter is moving into degrees in the Zodiac which have been very important for the price of crude and decisions on the mid-East.

Will borders be changed? Will Israel be receiving more oil from the Kurds? Will the US, Britain or France stick their respective noses into this situation. I'll wait and see. There is big trouble in the making. Watch closely.
On another note, Jupiter is the "King's planet". This may signal changes in the head's of state or other organization in any of the mid-Eastern countries. Any country with a stake in crude production in the mid-East. I would add Turkey to the mix. I'm watching Saudi Arabia as well.

What I'm saying here is many people are watching Gold and other PM's. Watch crude as well. Subscribers, use the dates I supplied two weeks ago.

We got a larger pullback than I expected in WTIC (West Texas Intermediate Crude). Realizing the US is becoming a major producer, nevertheless, serious problems with crude production in the mid-East will affect crude prices in the US.

I should add here I have worked for an Oil company and a Mining company.

Monday, July 7, 2014

July 7th Update

Two events forecast. There should be more.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Financial Astrology - July 5, 2014

I just started this post on July 3rd and won't finish it until July 5th but I wanted to get the first 4 paragraphs written and posted as they should mark the beginning of some dramatic events.

We have arrived at a time period where we should witness dramatic global events. This should start July 4th through July 22 and could extend a little further.

The events may include strong storms  (one is forming on the east coast of the USA as this is being written). There may be more around the world. Potential geophysical events, earthquakes and volcanoes and possible political unrest, geopolitical events and the markets which could be affected by any of the above. The markets may also be affected by some type of debt or other event. Perhaps the debt problems, that have not been fixed since the 2008-2009 crash will move front and center once again. Europe has large debt problems and that may be an issue around the July 21st dates.

There are a number of violent signatures, not the least of which is a perigee full Moon on July 12. This will almost be on the heliocentric North Node of Pluto, a power spot in the Zodiac. Watch the news over that weekend. This is only one of a number of dramatic events. When reading the following list, remember I'm giving the exact date of an aspect but any of these aspects need an orb of influence (+- a few days to +- a few weeks). The other particularly forceful period is around July 20-22.

Other dates - Summary
July 4              Sun opposition Pluto, the starts it's translation of the Uranus / Pluto square.
July 8              Sun square Uranus, the completion of the translation
July 11            Sun opposition Eris, strife, discord, violence
July 12            perigee Full Moon and almost on the heliocentric North Node of Pluto, a power spot in the Zodiac
July 13            Mars conjunct the North Node of the Moon
July 16            Jupiter enters Leo, may effect crude or problems in countries producing crude (Iraq, Libya??)
July 19            Sun square Mars
July 20            Saturn turns direct, Jupiter contra parallel Pluto
July 21            Uranus retrograde, Venus conjunct Hades, Sun contra Parallel Pluto, Mars shadow date
July 22                        Mercury opposition Pluto, Sun parallel Jupiter and entering Leo, may effect crude or problems in countries producing crude (Iraq, Libya??)
July 24                        North Node opposition Eris, Venus OOB (Out Of Bounds)

To summarize the above aspects. July 4-8. The Sun shines it's light on the Uranus / Pluto square early in July. This is the waxing square which has affected world events from 2012 through the first half of 2015. This square is about rebellion against the status quo. It stands for the collapse of the old order and out of the collapse, the construction of new ways of thinking and organizing ourselves (government, large organizations, banks). The current uprisings in Iraq, Ukraine and other places are not so much about religion and more about control or the power to control others. Those that seek power have no interest in changing their ways and are stuck in old patterns of the past. This is true in both the East and West. The Uranus / Pluto square is also about money as well. Pluto stands for big money and wealth. This includes taxes and how to extract more taxes from the people they control, to support their old ideas. The old order may be paranoid and conduct hidden, secret activities (cyber spying?) to try and control their populations and ensure maximum taxes are extorted. The power of Central Banks to control the economy and therefore the money of the masses is a good example of the Uranus / Pluto square.

That said there will be some positives. Uranus is all about technology and advancements. Looking back at the 1960's when these two planets were conjunct, to start this cycle, many of the technologies in use today were being developed / worked on and later became common place. Think of the internet and personal computers as examples. Also realize the 60's were a period of social uprisings and change. This is happening in many countries now. We await the U.S. although I think it's going to take an event of some magnitude to bring significant change to the western cultures. Such an event could occur this month or close to the following two dates; Dec 15, 2014 and March 17, 2015. These are the last two dates where the Uranus / Pluto square is exact.

July 11 The Sun in opposition to Eris is a signature of strife, discord and violence. This is a shorter term aspect which could set off conflict in one of the active regions of the world.

July 12 Is the perigee Full Moon which has a history of strong storms and geophysical events. Perigee means the Moon is at it's closest point to Earth for this orbit. The Full Moon is almost on the heliocentric North Node of Pluto, a power spot in the Zodiac making this an even more potent. Perigee Full and New Moons were nameed "Super Moons" by Astrologer, Richard Nolle.

July 13 Another fairly quick but powerful transit, Mars conjunct the North Node of the Moon could indicate violent actions against a group of people. Currently we have a lot too choose from as violence against groups of people seems to be a daily occurrence. Nevertheless, keep an eye open for something particularly nasty near this date.

July 16 Jupiter enters Leo, may effect crude or problems in countries producing crude (Iraq, Libya??). Many Astrologers would look at Jupiter in Leo as party time. The greater benefic, Jupiter, in the fun sign of creativity, children and entertainment. A look back at the stock market indices while Jupiter is in Leo does not appear to be positive, in any way.  A number of specific dates were given to subscribers re: issues with crude. I'll add here that the Sun rules Leo and the Sun rules Gold although I've found Pluto has a strong effect on Gold as well. The Sun will join Jupiter in Leo on July 22. It will parallel Jupiter and then conjunct Jupiter on July 24. This could be another troublesome day as the North Node (the people) opposes Eris, strife and discord.

July 19 Sun square Mars is only listed here due to the whole volatile time period around this date. This is the waning square, or the square that occurs between the opposition and the next conjunction.

July 20 Saturn turns direct, Jupiter contra parallel Pluto. This starts a period where world problems heat up although it may be beneficial for Gold. Please understand these longer term Astro transits and events may not occur exactly on the date listed but around the date. The amount of orb varies depending on the speed of the planets involved. Saturn turning direct, like any of the outer planets has a time window. In this case from July 8th, Sun trine Saturn to Aug 9, Sun square Saturn. The stress of debt, personal, business and government debt once again becomes a major issue. Jupiter Pluto contacts can either indicate sizable financial gain or great financial losses. Again for a period around this date.

July 21            Radical events starting July 8th, there's that date again, with Uranus retrograde on July 21 with a window that extends to August 8th where the Sun trines Uranus. Venus conjunct Hades can be unfavorable for the financial markets , and July 21 is a Mars shadow date, the date it returns to the location where it went retrograde.

Saturn turning direct and Uranus turning retrograde are also in a Quincunx aspect (150 degrees). Expect the unexpected.

July 22            Mercury opposition Pluto, Sun parallel Jupiter and entering Leo, may effect crude or problems in countries producing crude (Iraq, Libya, others??)

During the last half of July look for problems Iraq and Ukraine and also in Europe or Saudi Arabia or Turkey or Israel or Iran. It's a growing list. Let's not not forget China vs Japan and the USA's penchant to get involved in everything.

Market wise the SP500 is starting the 22nd week of the Primary cycle (nominal 18 week) with a range of 15-23 weeks. It's late in the cycle and due for a pullback. The FED continues with their support manipulation of the markets but this week starts earning announcements. I for one will be listening closely. A high this late in the cycle for the market indices is a very unusual event and I'm looking for a reversal.

We are moving closer to a buy date for precious metals. We may see a pullback in Gold and Silver this week. I don't expect it to be strong and it could be a non event. I continue to look for a resumption of a strong move higher. Subscribers have the dates.

We are currently in the 5th week for Gold and the 6th week for Silver of their respective Primary cycles (nominal 18 week) and therefore due for a Major cycle (nominal 6 week) trough.


The issues with crude oil production in Iraq and other places should continue. Subscribers have the potential dates. Crude is becoming a geopolitical commodity as world-wide events affect production in a number of producing countries. This is the 10th week of the Primary cycle and it appears crude is heading down into it's next Major Cycle trough. I'm looking for a short term low between 104 and 103 which are the 38.2% and 50% retracement of the move up from May 1, 2014 to June 13, 2014.

Currently North America should not be affected since they are not importing crude from the countries having their production cut. Nevertheless WTIC (West Texas Intermediate Crude)  has, until very recently been going up with Brent Crude. With the increase in the production of crude and NatGas from shale projects the U.S. has become a major producer. That combined with the oil sands deposits in western Canada makes North America a major supplier although the oil sands deposits are somewhat trapped until more pipelines are built. Either south to the US or East / West in Canada to supply the Far East, eastern Canada or Europe.